Legal experts are saying a Pennsylvania recount is unlikely. Trump is up by 70,000 votes there, well over any recount margin in the past. Reasonable doubt would have to be established before a court. Hearsay from a couple of "experts", vs facts that no evidence of voter fraud has been documented. Fact is according to news reports on election day there were vast claims of voting machines changing Trump votes to Clinton, so if anyone had a claim it would have been if Trump would have lost.
By the way Michigan just completed a recount, and certified the results, and Trump still won the state, so a challenge there will produce zero results as well.
By the way Michigan just completed a recount, and certified the results, and Trump still won the state, so a challenge there will produce zero results as well.
Major democrats are reporting discomfort at Stein's circus as it will forever taint democrat claims that the election results should be accepted lest the democratic process be undermined, as Hillary claimed of Trump. Even the Obama administration over the weekend released a statement that the election was valid and that that transition should move forward.
Stein is simply getting the depleted green party coffers replenished for 2020 and suckers are buying up. Won't stop the media from using the "suspense" to tarnish Trump's transition to power and inauguration day.
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