Barbara Boxer is no exception. A woman of little class and grace with issues from youth coming after Condi Rice in a hearing about the troop surge, attacking her no less, for being a childless woman.
“Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, an appalling scold from California, wasted no time yesterday in dragging the debate over Iraq about as low as it can go - attacking Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for being a childless woman.
Boxer was wholly in character for her party - New York’s own two Democratic senators, Chuck Schumer and Hillary Rodham Clinton, were predictably opportunistic - but the Golden State lawmaker earned special attention for the tasteless jibes she aimed at Rice.
Rice appeared before the Senate in defense of President Bush’s tactical change in Iraq, and quickly encountered Boxer.
“Who pays the price? I’m not going to pay a personal price,” Boxer said. “My kids are too old, and my grandchild is too young.”
Then, to Rice: “You’re not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, with an immediate family.”
Condi, who has more grace in her little finger than Boxer and the whole of Democrats on the Senate and the Hill have in their hugh over porked bodies, didn’t respond with the same school-yard tattiness, she doesn’t have to, she is not in the wrong.
Boxer has no room to talk of children as one who relishes in the thought and practice of drilling holes in their heads through partial birth abortion, who for that matter has never stood on the side of life and liberty.
This is not the first time the left has used this tactic, especially in relation to Dr. Rice. They - meaning the entirity of the left - have constantly used her race and gender to relate some type of dishonesty and weakness on her part.
Stop the ACLU has more reacts. For now a full written and personal apology ought to be forthcoming from Boxer, yet that would only hold true for persons of character and for Boxer, the two are not synonymous.
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