Thursday, June 23, 2016


Hillary Clinton Failed to Turn over a Key Email in Investigation

Keeps getting better, and worse for Hillary Clinton.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former Secretary Hillary Clinton failed to turn over a copy of a key message involving problems caused by her use of a private homebrew email server, the State Department confirmed Thursday. The disclosure makes it unclear what other work-related emails may have been deleted by the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

The email was included within messages exchanged Nov. 13, 2010, between Clinton and one of her closest aides, Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin. At the time, emails sent from Clinton's BlackBerry device and routed through her private server in the basement of her New York home were being blocked by the State Department's spam filter. A suggested remedy was for Clinton to obtain a email account.

"Let's get separate address or device but I don't want any risk of the personal being accessible," Clinton responded to Abedin.

Seriously, ""? As I said I worked for a time as a Network Analyst, and that's the type of domain you put on an internal intranet email system, not external and certainly not on the server - private as it was - of the US Secretary of State. Secondarily, as a government worker there is no such thing as "personal email" when you are using a system bought and paid for by taxpayers and certainly not when those emails are related to work.

There were multitudes of issues with that server, a "rats nest" of spam, likely malware and possibly even viruses. We already know that there were many unreported attempts to hack the server, and the State Department said the dang thing was a Spam-A-Lot, to the point they had to shut it's access to the mainframe system. Then there is this:

On Wednesday, lawyers from Judicial Watch, a conservative legal organization, questioned under oath Bryan Pagliano, the computer technician who set up Clinton's private server. A transcript released Thursday shows Pagliano repeatedly responded to detailed questions by invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, as he did last year before a congressional committee.

Dozens of questions Pagiliano declined to answer included who paid for the system, whether there was technical help to support its users and who else at the State Department used email accounts on it. Pagliano also would not answer whether he discussed setting up a home server with Clinton prior to her tenure as secretary of state, according to the transcript.

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said the November 2010 email cited in the inspector general audit was one of more than a dozen work-related emails that his group identified that Clinton sent or received but later failed to turn over the State Department.

"Contrary to her statement under oath suggesting otherwise, Mrs. Clinton did not return all her government emails to the State Department," Fitton said. "Our goal is to find out what other emails Mrs. Clinton and the State Department are hiding."

Flicker, flicker...flame, flameout....

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