Friday, June 24, 2005


Time to Show Your Gratitude!

Time to Say "Thank You"

(Hat tip to Captains Quarters Blog:

Link above to the Anti-idiotarian Rottweiler blog where they are asking for us to send our troops an email word or two about how much we appreciate them and the mission they are accomplishing to keep our butts safe and warm!

Let this old war-horse tell you, it makes you feel good when you know the folks back home appreciate you! So far all they have gotten is a bunch of doom and gloom propaganda from the MSM (yes they read that crap). Think how it feels to be serving your country, sweating it out in 104+ heat wearing those hot as hell uniforms and and sixty pounds of equipment, and all you read from these namby pamby airchair warrior pundits back here is that "We are losing!" "It's a mistake"! Make my OG green blood boil!

So get to pecking on those keys!

There is a clearing house for all emails (to protect the soldiers from "slug-trail-email). Here it is:


Now get typing! (Hat tip to Captains Quarters Blog)

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