Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Plame Game: The 'Niger-gate' farse

1981 - Seyni Kountche, then President of Niger stated that his country would "sell uranium even to the devil."

AJ Strata emailed me this link last night, detailing possible rogue in involvement in the Niger forgery case.

First, let's have a little Spy101.

Using ex-ops, especially disgruntled ones in certain missions is is always "helpful", and quite often "Operationally Necessary".

The neat thing is that if they are sucessful, they're activities are hard to trace back to the office.

If not, then you deny all involvement "they must have been acting on their own".

That said, I don't know if VIPS pulled the 1991 caper off, although as we found out in Watergate, the CIA sucks at burglary.

But more important, to understand that there are essentially two stories here, that at least at first were not related, but then came 9/11.

Remember, the first break in at the Niger embassey was in 1991, long before Plame Game. In this case we know a quantity of official letterhead with "Republique du Niger" at its top were taken, along with some Nigerian Government stamps."

Thes second burglary, which most of us are familiar with, occured in 2001 and incidently BEFORE Bush took office. Important to note that it is still not known if anything at all was taken, and only suspected later on that similiar items were taken, although it has never been proven.

Which leads to this educated theory: That is, that the second break in was a fake, designed simply to use the occurence to make it look like the Bush administration was involved. There were no documents taken or stamps. Simply a little ransacking to make it look like something sinister was up. Thus "Niger-gate" per-se, is a farse.

Which leads us to the reason for the first break in, where we know what was taken.

Simply: Letterhead and doc stamps are handy, especially when they are from Niger and you know, you're farming Yellow Cake to the evil doers of the world.

Enter Mr. Wilson and just how did he happen have have a few "spare" ones lying around in the old brief case. Came in handy, eh?

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