With the Democrats grandstanding and puffing their chest and measuring the White House for 2008 over the Ports NON-issue, the KING of Democrats, Bill Clinton actually praised the Dubai back in December of 2005:
"FORMER US president Bill Clinton praised Dubai’s leaders last week, telling them the way Islamic and Western values and cultures are being merged is “wonderful”.
Speaking via telecast at the Leaders in Dubai conference on Monday, Clinton was quick to highlight the work done by the emirate’s rulers, in particular Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Minister of Defence of the United Arab Emirates.
Clinton said: “Dubai is a role model of what could be achieved despite the other negative developments in the region. When I went to Dubai for the first time, I was taken to a technology facility where I hooked up to a bank kiosk and found that one can use a conventional banking service, while at the same time opt for an Islamic Sharia compliant service, which I thought was wonderful. This is a very good example of how cultures and values could be merged and offered to the rest. I was amazed and I have a lot of admiration for Sheikh Mohammed for what he’s doing in Dubai.”
Clinton also urged members of the YAL (Young Arab Leaders) to spread their message across the region. He explained: “I think much can be done by just telling others about your own achievements. They can share their experience and ideas with others and help them develop their economies as Dubai has done. YAL can leverage their experience to enlighten others.”
He added: “Look at Dubai, which has achieved enormous growth in such a short period of time. Less than 6% of Dubai’s income comes from oil. It’s no longer an oil economy."
Clinton’s speech came just a week after he appeared in person at Dubai’s American University. During his visit to the emirate, he spoke directly on the chances of peace in the region."
Yeah.....and Dubai is a BUM now? During Clinton's tenure, the US ran a virtual FLEA MARKET for the UAE selling them everything from Hellfire missles to F16s.
"The UAE is also a frequent ally against Clinton's current nemesis, Saddam Hussein, so the president has felt free to sell or approve the sale of $1.2 billion in U.S. arms to the UAE since 1993. We're not just talking leftovers, either: Among the UAE's purchases are AGM-114A Rockwell Hellfire antitank missiles, Raytheon RIM-7M Seasparrow ship-to-air missiles, and McDonnell Douglas Aerospace RGM-84A/C Harpoon ship-to-ship missiles. But that's just the beginning."
"In 1995 Clinton personally called UAE President Sheikh Zayad ibn Nahayan in order to shill for Lockheed Martin: Clinton urged Zayad ibn Nahayan to buy an astonishing 80 F-16 fighters".
More here, and here. (Note: Able Danger diggers take notice).
Senator Clinton, line 2.
More "Clinton Co-operation" here. Here Bill suggests the UAE get a role in the rebuilding of Iraq.
UPDATE I: Read this from AJ Strata - excellent points.
iraq Politics News bush war on terror spying patriot act nsa CIA port CIA dubai
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