Boy, the VIPS are ratcheting up the propaganda, dragging out the King of the VIPS Stansfield Turner. For those not familiar with Mr. Turner, I let Rick Moran of Rightwing Nuthouse clue you in:
"The last major Congressional investigation of CIA activities was the Church Committee. Most inside observers at the Agency claim that the revelations and subsequent fall out from the Committee’s hearings nearly destroyed the CIA. Morale hit rock bottom when Admiral Stansfield Turner became the DCIA under President Carter. Turner dismantled our human intelligence capability (HUMINT) and stressed the gathering of intel by so-called “National Technical Means.” We found out to our detriment on 9/11 how vitally important HUMINT is to the overall picture intelligence analysts try to draw for policy makers."
Stansfield Turner. Jimmy Carter’s CIA Director. Personally responsible for the wholesale destruction of CIA’s human intelligence collection capability. Caused mass resignations of seasoned case officers. We have still not recovered.
Mr. Turner is the idiot that in mine and many other's opinion allowed the Iranian crisis in 1979 to escalate, maybe because he couldn't answer VP Mondale's question, "What the hell is an ‘Ayatollah’ anyway."

Truth is that Mr. Turner has been working with VIPS and other leftist antiwar groups since 2002, so there's no surprise he's coming out now.
I'm with Rick, it's about time they hauled these traitors in.
UPDATE: As a commenter reminded me, Mr. Turner was a star in this George Soros funded propaganda film.
UPDATE: II Also this article from yesterday reference VIP activity increasing. Again, this is all no suprise, they have the "The Mighty Wurlitzer" running at full spin now. Too bad it doesn't have the same effect it did back in say, '72.
Nevertheless, they are sensing that the plot is about to come unraveled, so look for even more craziness to come. Remember, I told you so.
Filed under: judith miller valerie plame karl rove Valerie Plame PlameGate john hannahcheney libbyjoe wilsonwoodwardbob woodward
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