Thursday, November 17, 2005



Rocka-Treason-Gate (catchy no?) is gaining a little momentum.

Yesterday, Sentator Rockefeller tried to defuse the situation caused by his Fraudian-Slip on Fox News Sunday.

Evidently, he has issued a "clarification. Via Powerlineblog:

"It is ridiculous to suggest that any sensitive information was revealed during my January 2002 Middle East trip. Every aspect of this trip was sanctioned by and coordinated with the State Department and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. I was accompanied in each country by either our U.S. Ambassador or our Deputy Chief of Mission, and each of our U.S. officials specifically praised my meetings and the message I delivered. I conveyed my belief that President Bush was very serious about taking action in Iraq. I had no knowledge of specific Bush Administration plans to invade Iraq, and I certainly never suggested that I did. I raised this issue on Sunday to make the point that while I hadn’t made up my mind until October of 2002, I believe the president had decided to go to war long before, and continued down that path into 2003 – even as some of the intelligence was being called into question. Once again, it appears that Republican defenders of the president are trying to distract from the real issue – whether the president was straight with the American people about the war in Iraq."


But you said,...

WALLACE: Now, the President never said that Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat. As you saw, you did say that. If anyone hyped the intelligence, isn't it Jay Rockefeller?

SEN. ROCKEFELLER: No. The -- I mean, this question is asked a thousand times and I'll be happy to answer it a thousand times. I took a trip by myself in January of 2002 to Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria, and I told each of the heads of state that it was my view that George Bush had already made up his mind to go to war against Iraq -- that that was a predetermined set course which had taken shape shortly after 9/11.

So, you've said a 'thousand times' that you went to Syria 'by myself', but now "this trip was sanctioned by and coordinated with the State Department and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. I was accompanied in each country by either our U.S. Ambassador or our Deputy Chief of Mission, and each of our U.S. officials specifically praised my meetings and the message I delivered."

What message was that you clown? That George Bush had made up his mind to attack long before the Iraq war. So "Get Ready! We're coming!" Isn't classifed? So you're telling me and the world that the State Department and the Senate Intelligence Committee signed of on THIS message?

Just who in the hell are you jiving with this kosmik debri Senator? We know that in fact this was all a part of YOUR plan to overthrow the President of the US in a time of War - Senator, that's treason!

Here's what you should do Senator Rockefeller. You should resign from the Senate Intelligence Committee immediately, and have your security clearance revoked as a minimum.

By the way, since - according to you - nothing "classified" was discussed, there should no problem with getting further information via a FOIA should there? I mean, the "public's right to know" and all that. Thanks for clarifying the routing for my request - sent it today.

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