Now Jimmah speaks on security and his take? We don't need to protect our secrets, we need to give them away!
"e U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) turns 40 tomorrow, the day we celebrate our independence. But this anniversary will not be a day of celebration for the right to information in our country. Our government leaders have become increasingly obsessed with secrecy. Obstructionist policies and deficient practices have ensured that many important public documents and official actions remain hidden from our view.
The events in our nation today -- war, civil rights violations, spiraling energy costs, campaign finance and lobbyist scandals -- dictate the growing need and citizens' desire for access to public documents. A poll conducted last year found that 70 percent of Americans are either somewhat or very concerned about government secrecy. This is understandable when the U.S. government uses at least 50 designations to restrict unclassified information and created 81 percent more "secrets" in 2005 than in 2000, according to the watchdog coalition OpenTheGovernment.org."
Yeah moron, because we're (prepare yourself) AT WAR. "Loose lips", etc....remember? What do you expect from the guy who told us that the American Revolution was unnecessary.
No Jimmah, YOU were and continue to be unnecessary - except to those who would destroy us.
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